
Digitalization and IoT technologies for Heat Pump Systems

In the project, KTH and RISE are actively contributing to the periodic workshops are organized and coordinated by the Annex 56, where representatives of companies and institutions from Sweden, Austria, France, Germany, Denmark, Norway and Switzerland collaborate to provide guidance, data and knowledge about heat pumping technologies with respect to IoT applications.

In the last decades, digital technologies became widely used in energy end-use sectors and digital solutions have been driving dramatic changes in the society. In the years to come, Heat Pumps are expected to turn more and more into connected devices contributing to the Internet of Things (IoT).

​The Research Annex 56 Internet of things for Heat Pumps, proposed by the International Energy Agency (IEA), aims at elaborating opportunities and challenges of IoT enabled Heat Pumps within the collaboration of worldwide experienced companies and institutions.

KTH, in collaboration with RISE, joined the Annex 56 with this national research project funded by Energimyndigheten, to contributing with research activities that will help the Heat Pump Swedish industry to move towards a cost-effective digitalization of Heat Pump systems through IoT and data-driven technologies. The project is developed with the support of SKVP (Svenska Kyl- och Värmepumpföreningen), Thermia AB, NIBE Industrier AB and KTH Live In LAB.

In the project, KTH and RISE are actively contributing to the periodic workshops are organized and coordinated by the Annex 56, where representatives of companies and institutions from Sweden, Austria, France, Germany, Denmark, Norway and Switzerland collaborate to provide guidance, data and knowledge about heat pumping technologies with respect to IoT applications.

The project results will be published in the final report by December 2022.



Digitalization and IoT technologies for Heat Pump systems.


KTH Energy Technology
Deltagande aktörer: RISE, SKVP, Thermia AB, NIBE Industrier AB, KTH Live In LAB.


Davide Rolando

Energimyndighetens projektnummer


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