
The Change – the cooling and heating transition acceleration via Network Geothermal Energy

The project will accelerate the heating and cooling transition by facilitating the development of Geothermal 5th Generation District Heating and Cooling, Geo5GDHC, systems with climate-neutral shallow geothermal energy resources. It will also assist in the integration of heating and cooling in local and regional energy systems.

Furthermore, the project will enable resource-efficient and sustainable distribution, storage and utilization of heating and cooling, thus meeting all main objectives of the Geothermica call.

It will also positively impact the EU:s ”renovation wave”, facilitating the implementation of new Geo5GDHC systems for renovated buildings/districts and hence support the heating and cooling transition from fossil fuels to climate-neutral resources, while providing resource-efficient and sustainable distribution and storage, as well as sector coupling, and smart integration of heating and cooling in the local and regional energy systems.



The Change – the cooling and heating transition acceleration via Network Geothermal Energy


Lunds universitet, Svenskt geoenergicentrum


Muhammad Saqib Javed

Energimyndighetens projektnummer


Pågår till

31 augusti 2025

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